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Engineering Weekly

Engineering Weekly

Engineering Weekly is a weekly newsletter produced by the marketing and communications team in conjunction with the dean for all College of Engineering faculty, staff, graduate students and postdocs. It is the college’s main source of internal news, information and events.

To submit an announcement or an event for Engineering Weekly, fill out our submission form by Friday at 10 a.m.

A brief overview of each section of the newsletter and criteria for each is listed below. Please note that these are guidelines, and exceptions can be made at the discretion of the MarComm team and the dean.

General Information
  • Announcements consist of a headline and up to five lines of text
  • No announcements run more than three issues in a row. Most run between 1 and 3 times, depending on the news.
  • Categories and order of categories can change from week-to-week, depending on the news
Dean's Message
  • Optional message written from the dean to all faculty and staff
  • No more than a paragraph long
  • Only runs once
  • Faculty and staff awards and grants over $1M
  • Only run once
  • Included
    • Faculty and staff awards given by the college, the campus or an external organization
    • New grants over $1M
    • Winners of the Ghausi Medal, Gibeling Award and Munir Award for undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. students, respectively
  • Not included
    • New grants under $1M
    • Student awards and competitions (except Ghausi Medal, Gibeling Award and Munir Award)
    • Department-level faculty and staff awards
    • All publications, even in a high-impact journal or if it’s selected as a journal cover
    • Being named to an editor position at a journal
    • Taking a leadership role in a society or a conference
  • If your news doesn’t fit the criteria of this section, it’s likely still worth publicizing. Contact the marketing and communications team to see how best to promote it
Around the College
  • Any timely news from around the college that’s relevant to people from more than one department or unit. This can include:
    • Internal events like Fall Staff Welcome and Celebration of Faculty Excellence
    • Calls for volunteers at the campus
    • IT announcements about outages, phishing scams, new available technology and more.
    • Announcements about facilities being open/closed/renovated
    • Arrivals or departures of Dean’s Office staff and department Chief Administrative Officers
      • Department staff arrivals/departures are announced in the College of Engineering’s Staff Scoop newsletter
    • Workshops and information sessions for faculty and research staff
    • Obituaries
Around Campus
  • Timely news from around campus. This can include:
    • Campus-wide events
    • Announcements and resources from Graduate Studies, the Library or the Office of Research
    • Campus leadership changes
    • UC-wide resources or funding opportunities
  • Fellowship and funding opportunities for grad students and postdocs.
  • Only appears in the grad student and postdoc version of Engineering Weekly
Seminars and Events
  • Seminars from the college’s graduate groups and across campus and non-seminar events are included in these sections.
  • All seminars and events run two weeks leading up to the event.
  • To include in Engineering Weekly, seminars and events must be submitted to the college's events calendar.
Quick Links
  • A list of evergreen policies and resources available to the college. This can include:
    • College resources for researchers
    • Purchasing and accounts payable policies and best practices
    • Marketing and communications resources
  • Can run multiple times, but no more than once a quarter