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Staff Advisory Committee

Purpose and Goals

  • In alignment with the Next Level strategic vision for community and our aspirations to be the “best college at UC Davis,” the Staff Advisory Committee, or SAC, aims to harness the power and benefits of a diverse ecosystem of engaged staff members working in harmony to advance the college’s mission.
  • SAC monthly meetings are an additional communication channel for staff to discuss feedback and solutions with Dean’s Office leadership.
  • SAC discussions will focus on alignment with the college’s mission to create a sustainable world through socially responsible engineering, inspiring education and transformative research. Staff are critical to the college’s goal of connecting people and technology to solve the world’s most pressing problems.

Membership, Roles and Responsibilities

The Staff Advisory Committee membership includes staff representatives, college leaders and ex-officio members.

Staff Representatives


  • Staff representatives may be exempt or non-exempt.
  • Staff representatives must have passed their 6-month probationary period.
  • Staff representatives must receive supervisor endorsement to participate.
  • Staff representatives will represent designated areas of the college, including Dean's Office departments and functional areas.
  • Staff representatives are invited to serve by the dean.

Term of Service

  • The term of service is two academic years with meetings from September to June each year. Note: Appointments made in the 2024-25 academic year will vary between one and two years to support staggered turnover in membership.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Staff representatives are the primary point of contact for staff in their designated areas to ask questions and share perspectives.
  • Staff representatives bring feedback, questions and proposed solutions related to existing initiatives and staff matters in the college.
Reuben Castelino
Reuben Castelino

Senior Desktop Support Analyst

Dean's Office - IT

Engineering staff since: 2018

Ryan Gorsiski
Ryan Gorsiski

Student Services Manager

Chemical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering

Engineering staff since: 2022

Marqueta Jones
Marqueta Jones

Administrative Assistant

Chemical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering

Engineering staff since: 2022

Sheri Kuslak-Meyer
Sheri Kuslak-Meyer

Chief Operations Officer

Biomedical Engineering

Engineering staff since: 2023

Lauren Worrell
Lauren Worrell

Student Services Supervisor and Graduate Program Coordinator

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Engineering staff since: 2014


Dean, Executive Assistant Dean and/or Other College Leaders

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The dean and/or other leaders college updates, including upcoming projects and initiatives, with SAC for staff discussion, reactions and feedback.
Elissa Roeser
Elissa Roeser

Executive Assistant Dean, Administration and Finance

Dean's Office

Engineering staff since: 2022

Ex-Officio Members

  • Director of Communications and Strategic Priorities
  • HR Business Partner
  • Ex-officio representatives may be appointed by the dean or requested by staff representatives as needed.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Ex-officio members attend meetings and consult as necessary with the dean, Dean’s Office leaders and staff representatives to provide background and/or contextual information.
Molly Betchel
Molly Bechtel

Director of Communications and Strategic Priorities

Dean's Office

Engineering staff since: 2018

Penny Schafer
Penny Schafer

HR Business Partner

Dean's Office

Engineering staff since: 2020