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Staff Networking Groups

As part of the College of Engineering strategic planning priority to “attract, retain, and develop professional staff," an AOFTF team conducted a staff survey in fall 2020. Informed by the survey findings, the AOFTF team identified a need for and recommended the formation of Networking Groups for staff.


Networking Groups are intended to provide a space for staff in similar functional areas across all the College of Engineering to:

  • Build relationships and network of support
  • Provide learning community for new and experienced staff
  • Promote collaboration and innovation
  • Implement best practices college-wide
  • Streamline processes for greater efficiency

Find Your Networking Group

Each Networking Group will have a listserv of similar positions across the college. These listservs will be updated as new hires and separations are announced.

If you would like to be added or removed from a listserv, identify an error or think of a group of staff that would benefit from networking, please contact us.

Networking Groups, Chairs and Contact Information

The following Networking Groups are currently active. Feel like something is missing? Have ideas? Please let us know.

  • Advising (Graduate and Undergraduate Programs)
  • Chair:
    Michelle Walker, Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Electrical and Computer and Engineering

    Email list:
  • Advising (Undergraduate Programs)
  • Andrea Abrahamson, Undergraduate Programs Coordinator, Departments of Chemical and Materials Science and Engineering

    Email list:
  • Account Managers, Financial Analysts, Contracts and Grants
  • Chairs:
    Jessica Rodriguez, Finance Officer, Advanced Highway Maintenance & Construction Technology (AHMCT) Research Center, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Rachael Rubinato, Financial Services Analyst, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Email list:
  • Academic Personnel, Visa Coordinators, Payroll and HR
  • Chair:
    Michael Muniz, Academic Personnel Specialist and Executive Assistant, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

    Email list:
  • Chief Administrative Officers
  • Chair:
    Brooke Noonan, CAO, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Email list:
  • IT
  • Chair:
    Ruben Arevalo, Business Technical Support Analyst, Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Email list:
  • Research Engineers, Shop Managers, Lab Managers and Safety Coordinators
  • Chair:
    Steven Dilbert, Director of Safety, Dean's Office

    Email list:

Year in Review

Monthly Meetings

Based on the group goals, the Chair/Co-Chairs will set reoccurring, hour-long, monthly meetings. The meeting format may vary based on the group goals.

Annual Meetings

  • Kick-off Meeting (July-September): Each Networking Group will have an initial meeting to establish their group and set up the meetings for the next academic year. Each July, the groups should reevaluate their individual and group goals to keep the Networking Group current and relevant for all members.
  • Mid-year Check-in (January): Networking Group Chair/Co-Chairs will meet with members of G52 Committee to discuss the group’s progress, plans for future and succession planning.
  • Year-in-Review Celebration (June): Each Networking Group will have an end of the year meeting to reflect on the past year’s goals, celebrate their accomplishments and each other, and select the next year's Chair/Co-Chairs.