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Graduate Study Committee

  • There shall be a Committee on Graduate Study composed of the chairs of each graduate program and/or group of the College. The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies shall be an ex officio member of the Committee.  If a member of the College Faculty currently serves on Graduate Council, then this faculty member shall also be an ex officio member of the Committee.  If more than one member of the College Faculty currently serves on Graduate Council, then the Chair of the Faculty shall appoint one of these faculty members to serve as an ex officio member of the Committee. (Am. 12/5/66, 2/14/96, 5/10/00, 7/20/01, 5/19/04)
  • The function of this Committee shall be to coordinate and communicate matters of common interest to all graduate programs in the College of Engineering. Within the policies and procedures established by Graduate Council, the Committee shall act on the following: the review of cross-departmental graduate curricula issues, and the review and implementation of postdoctoral scholar policies, procedures and programs. (Am. 2/14/96, 2/9/00, 7/20/01, 5/19/04)

Committee on Graduate Studies Members

Biological and Agricultural Engineering Tina Jeoh
Biomedical Engineering Blaine Christiansen
Chemical Engineering Ambarish Kulkarni
Civil and Environmental Engineering Miguel Jaller
Computer Science Dipak Ghosal
Electrical and Computer Engineering Lifeng Lai
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Paul Erickson
Materials Science and Engineering Roopali Kukreja
Energy Graduate Group  Alissa Kendall
Transportation Technology and Policy Susan Handy
Ex Officio Roland Faller
Administrative Support Alin Wakefield