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Dean's Office Shared Spaces FAQs

  • Which shared areas are managed by the Dean’s Office?
  • The Dean’s Office manages the following shared spaces:

    • Kemper Hall: Rooms 1002, 1003, and 1007
    • Kemper Lobby
    • Kemper Courtyard
    • Academic Surge: Rooms 2022 and 2050
    • Ghausi Lobby
    • Bainer South Lawn

  • Are students allowed to use the Dean’s Office’s shared areas?
  • Most shared spaces managed by the Dean’s Office are designated for staff and faculty use only. However, registered student organizations and clubs in the College of Engineering can reserve the following areas:

    Kemper 1002
    Kemper Lobby
    Kemper Courtyard 
    Bainer South Lawn

    For additional spaces suitable for student organizations, please consult with the relevant COE departments.
  • Do I need a key to access my reserved conference room?
  • Kemper Rooms 1002, 1003, and 1007: These rooms are connected to the AggieAccess system and will automatically unlock from 8 AM to 6 PM on weekdays. Temporary access will be provided as needed for reservations outside these hours. Special accommodations can be arranged upon request.

    Academic Surge Rooms 2022 and 2050: These require a code for access. Contact Elsa Rojas Perez at prior to your reservation to obtain the code.

    Important: The Dean’s Office does not handle access to other conference rooms or shared spaces within the College of Engineering. Please contact the relevant department for access to other areas (e.g., ECE manages Kemper 1127 and CS manages Kemper 1131).

  • Can I reconfigure the furniture in the room/space?
  • Yes, you may rearrange the tables and chairs to fit your needs, but please return them to their original layout after your event. A furniture layout map is posted near the door. Outside furniture is not permitted in the room.
  • How can I request Kemper 1003 and 1007 to be extended?
  • To request Kemper 1003 and 1007 to be merged into one large space, include a note about the partition wall in the “Notes to the Approver” section of your COWS reservation request. Also, reserve an additional 30 minutes before and after your event for the Dean’s Office staff to adjust the partition wall. For assistance, email with your request.

    Note: A special tool is required to unlock the partition wall. Please do not attempt to force it open!
  • Is food and drink allowed in the room I reserved?
  • Yes, food and drink are permitted in Dean’s Office shared areas. Please follow these procedures:

    • Dispose of food and containers in recycling bins or dumpsters outside Kemper Hall (near the parking lot).
    • Reline trash cans with the extra liners provided.
    • Clean tables with the disinfectant wipes available in the room.
    • Report and clean any spills immediately. Your department will be billed for professional cleaning if necessary.
  • How can campus catering access the space for an event set-up and breakdown?
  • When using campus catering, please ensure the following:
    •    Allocate sufficient time for setup and cleanup in your COWS reservation.
    •    If catering needs access outside the 8 AM to 6 PM window, email to arrange special accommodations.
    •    Ensure all catering equipment, utensils, and trash are removed from the room by the end of your reservation.
    •    The space must be cleaned and reconfigured as required at the end of the reservation.
    •    The Dean’s Office is not responsible for lost or damaged catering equipment.
  • Can I block off the Kemper Lobby and Courtyard for my event?
  • The Kemper Lobby and Courtyard are public areas and cannot be entirely restricted from general access. You may place signs or notices to inform the public of your private event, including the date and time, but please be aware that people will still pass through these areas.
  • Can I borrow tables, chairs, or AV equipment from the Dean’s Office for my event?
  • The Dean’s Office does not provide equipment or furniture for events. For AV needs, please contact UCD Academic Technology Services. For tables and chairs, you might consider renting from Supply Chain Management. Remember that all rented items must be removed, and the space must be cleaned by the end of your reservation.
  • Does the Dean's Office provide additional trash cans for an event?
  • For large events in the Kemper Lobby, Courtyard, Ghausi Lobby, and Bainer South Lawn that will generate substantial waste or require additional restroom facilities, please request extra trash cans by submitting a Custodial Services work order in advance at