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Awards Committee

Calls for 2025 Awards

The following awards are now open for nominations. All nominations are due March 22, 2025 to the college's Academic Personnel team at

Faculty Awards

Graduate Student Awards

Awards Committee Charge

  • There shall be a Committee for Awards composed of one representative from each department and division of the College of Engineering. The Associate Dean for Academic Personnel and Planning shall serve as an ex officio member of this Committee.  The Committee shall meet at least once each quarter.
  • The Committee shall seek to identify award opportunities for engineering faculty and coordinate interdepartmental or college-wide responses.
  • The Committee shall send out a call to each department and division in the college for nominations to receive an Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, Outstanding Senior and Mid-Career Research Awards, and the Outstanding Teaching Faculty Award. The Committee will review all nominations for these awards and make recommendations to the Dean.
  • The Committee shall send out a call to each department and division in the college for nominations to receive the Zuhair A. Munir Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation and Jeffery C. Gibeling Master's Thesis Excellence Award. Committee members will review all nominations and make the final selection.
  • Committee members shall consult with their home department to propose names of potential speakers for the Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series. The Awards Committee will review the list of suggested speakers at its fall meeting prior to being forwarded to the Dean.

Awards Committee Members

Biological and Agricultural EngineeringJulia Fan
Biomedical EngineeringSoichiro Yamada
Chemical EngineeringJennifer Curtis
Civil and Environmental EngineeringYueyue Fan (Chair)
Computer ScienceZhaojun Bai
Electrical and Computer EngineeringChen-Nee Chuah
Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringNesrin Sarigul-Klijn
Materials Science and EngineeringYayoi Takamura
Ex OfficioAmit Kanvinde
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