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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The College of Engineering DEI Committee advises the dean and college leadership team on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, as they relate to faculty, academics, staff and students within the college. The committee’s action items and conversations focus on campus climate, the UC Davis Strategic Plan and the goals of the College of Engineering.

The committee’s primary goals are:

  • Provide a safe environment for all staff by reviewing relevant campus and college policy and by promoting an inclusive campus climate.
  • Reduce implicit bias in faculty hiring, merit and promotional decisions.
  • Ensure equitable access to learning and education for all students.
  • Highlight the College of Engineering as a beacon of diversity, equity and inclusion where all students, faculty and staff are equipped to succeed.

Committee Members

Colleen Bronner

Colleen Bronner, Faculty Co-Chair

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Yesenia Cervantes-Tucker

Yesenia Cervantes-Tucker, Co-Chair

Dean’s Office, Undergraduate Studies

Portrait of Nora Abdo

Nora Abdo

Dean's Office, Administration and Finance

Michele Barbato

Michele Barbato

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Molly Bechtel

Molly Bechtel

Dean's Office, Marketing and Communications

Luis Eduardo Contreras Llano in a blue lab coat

Luis Eduardo Contreras Llano

Biomedical Engineering

Headshot of Kurt Eiselt

Kurt Eiselt

Computer Science

Portrait of Casey De Finnda smiling

Casey De Finnda

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Portrait of Kanchan Kaushal

Kanchan Kaushal

Dean's Office, Information Technology

Portrait of Sam King

Sam King

Computer Science

Portrait of Parinita Kumari

Parinita Kumari

Computer Science

Portrait of Meghan Kuroda

Meghan Kuroda

Dean's Office, Undergraduate Studies

Portrait of Rachel LeBrett

Rachel LeBrett

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Portrait of Marina Leite

Marina Leite

Materials Science and Engineering

Portrait of Holly Oldroyd

Holly Oldroyd

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Joël Porquet-Lupine

Joël Porquet-Lupine

Computer Science

Portrait of Setareh Rafatirad

Setareh Rafatirad

Computer Science

Jessica Rodriguez 

Jessica Rodriguez 

AHMCT Research Center, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Lauren Worrell

Lauren Worrell

Civil and Environmental Engineering