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person applying asset tags on computers while sitting on desk

Inventory of IT Devices

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance security and ensure compliance, College of Engineering (COE) IT staff will soon conduct a physical inventory of all university-owned IT devices. This inventory is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our IT environment. We need your help to complete this important work.

  1. Immediate Action: If you have administrative rights on your university-owned device, please install BigFix now. This will significantly speed up the inventory process. You can check if BigFix is already installed or install it by following the instructions here: (you may need to log in and then click the link again).
  2. Faculty, Managers, and Supervisors: Please complete the following steps by August 28, 2024:
    • Coordinate with your teams to identify a date and time for IT staff to visit your labs/group offices.
    • Request that team members bring any university-owned IT devices they have at home to the scheduled time. See "What does this involve?" section below for guidance.
    • Schedule an appointment with IT using this booking link. IT staff are available from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM weekdays. If an appointment is not available at your preferred time, please contact us at least two business days in advance at and CC
  3. Individual Scheduling: After checking with your supervisor, you may alternatively schedule a time to bring your university-owned IT devices directly to the COE IT Service Desk. Individual appointments can be made using this booking link.

Why is this necessary?

  1. Compliance with UC IS-3 Policy: This inventory is mandated by the University of California’s IS-3 Policy, as well as a recent directive from President Drake.
  2. Device Accountability: COE IT needs to know who is responsible for every device on our network to manage and secure our IT resources effectively.
  3. Cybersecurity: Timely identification of systems both physically and on the network is essential for responding to cybersecurity threats.

What does this involve?

The inventory process includes only University-owned IT devices that can connect to a wired or wireless network: laptops, desktop computers, servers, mobile phones, tablets, some printers, and network equipment. Monitors, docking stations, other peripherals and personally-owned devices will NOT be inventoried at this time.

How will this be done?

For each University-owned IT Device, IT staff will log the associated UC Davis community member and the device make, model, and serial number. An asset tag will be placed in a visible location on the device, and IT management software (BigFix, Jamf) will be installed on the device unless there is a Dean approved exception.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important initiative. Your cooperation is vital to maintaining a secure and compliant IT environment. If you have questions or concerns, please contact and CC

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