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CEAN Bystander Intervention Training Workshop #2


Event Date

Kemper Hall, Room 1003

On Tuesday, Sept. 24, all engineering faculty members are invited to participate in a three-hour-long Bystander Intervention Training Workshop in Kemper Hall.

Workshop 1: 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Kemper 1127
Workshop 2: 1-4 p.m., Kemper 1003

Register to attend

This past May, our college hosted a version of the workshop for a subset of faculty leaders. Testimonials from two attendees are below.

“I found the workshops to be insightful and well-organized, making my time well spent. Sharing experiences and hearing how others plan to address specific issues helped me gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faculty face.” 
– André Knoesen, chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering

“Training to promote a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion is important. This training focused on strategies to intervene when colleagues are exposed to or disadvantaged by bias. The training included realistic situations and strategies to improve the outcome for the biased individual. I think in-person training such as this is much more valuable to promoting a positive culture than online training.” 
– Adam Moulé, vice chair of Chemical Engineering

CEAN, pronounced “seen,” stands for Colleges of Engineering ADVANCE-Partnership NSF, and includes all University of California engineering colleges and schools. This workshop is the outcome of an NSF-funded proposal titled “ADVANCE Partnership: Promoting Equity and Inclusion to Facilitate Retention of Diverse Faculty through Evidence- and Place-Based Intervention Training” led by UC Riverside Bourns College of Engineering in partnership with the UC Engineering Dean’s Council, representatives of an NSF INCLUDES project, and representatives of NSF ADVANCEGeo.

For more information, please contact Molly Bechtel.
